Use the tool for MSA for free!

The last weeks, and probably many more, are for many hours of on-line work away from their workplaces. We want to support companies that despite remote work plan to continue to maintain the appropriate competences of their employees, and even develop them. That is why we provide our professional PQ-MSA+ system, already used in many countries (including Mexico, Germany, Poland, USA) for 3 months (until the end of June) for free. It allows, among others:

  • prepare training on recognizing visual defects,
  • check the competence of controllers (work on prepared and described photos),
  • compile statistics on the effectiveness of controls and search for control standards necessary to improve (instructions, template cards, etc.),
  • maintain the controllers’ knowledge at a high level by constantly refreshing their knowledge.

The system works on the www platform (it is completely on-line), and thanks to the simple assignment of logins, you can conveniently select people for specific training and tests. Employees can work on computers, but also tablets or even telephones (in many available languages).

If you are interested in this proposal, please contact directly: